Listed in the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Constructed the largest wet-seal gas holder (175,000m3) in East Asia (at that time). ※Photo(4)
Constructed the first sphere tanks in Japan.(9 units) ※Photo(5)
Constructed two units of floating roof tanks (50,000 kL) , which was the largest in the world (at that time).
Performed the first experiments in the world on cryogenic brittle fracture using real spherical tanks. ※Photo(6)
The headquarters relocated to the Sukiyabashi Fuji Building, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo.
Constructed oil tanks (22,000 kL) for the Philippines.(45 units)
Constructed the largest stainless steel swimming pool in the world (at that time), which can be converted to an ice-skating rink.
Constructed a hard top floater tank using the groundbreaking helical erection method.(3,000 kL)
Constructed the double wall liquid ammonia cryogenic tank.(15,000 kL)
Constructed several different swimming pools (5 units), including the largest stainless steel swimming pool (changeable to an ice-skating rink) in East Asia. ※Photo(7)