Corporate Profile History


Mr. Takichi ISHII

(1)Founder Takichi ISHII

Tsukishima office 1926

(2)Tsukishima office 1926

The first alumina electrolyzer in Japan.

(3)The first alumina electrolyzer in Japan.

  • 1900 Takichi ISHII founded an iron works shop in the Tsukishima District, Tokyo. ※Photo(1)
  • 1919 ISHII IRON WORKS CO., LTD. was established.
  • 1923 Head office and factory were burned down during the Great Kanto earthquake. After a prompt recovery, operations were restarted in the same year. ※Photo(2)
  • 1930 Construction of 10 large oil tanks (12,000 ton) for the North Sakhalin Oil Trust in Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Russia).
  • 1934 Manufactured the first alumina electrolyzer in Japan. ※Photo(3)
  • 1937 The headquarters relocated to Mainichi-kaikan, Yurakucho, which is also central Tokyo.
  • 1938 Established the Kamata factory (now the Haneda Branch) and acquired a subsidiary, Nihon Kagaku Kikai Co., Ltd., which had its capital cut down to 2 million yen.
  • 1938 The headquarters relocated to Mainichi-kaikan, Yurakucho, which is also centeral Tokyo.
  • 1945 The end of the war.